7-Alami, Shahnaz
Born in Iran/Naeen, 1922,
Died in Germany/Berlin, 2003

Tashkilat-e Zanan-e Iran
(Iranian Women’s Organization) (IWO)

Interview bullet points:
-One of the executive members of the IWO (1944-1953)
-Political prisoner (1945-46)
-Ph.D in Literature from the Humboldt University, Berlin (1971)
-Iranian delegate at the Women's International Democratic Federation (1963-79)
-Head of sub-commission for women's rights in the United Nations (1973-79)
-Political exile in former East Germany (1953-80)

Place of interview:  Germany / Berlin
Date of interview:  1995
Hours of interview: 6 hours
Language of interview: Persian
Restriction: None
Interviewer: Hamid Ahmadi

انجمن مطالعات تاریخ شفاهی ایران (برلین)